Lavender Flowers | Lavandula | Certified Organic


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Our lavender flowers are certified organic, A+ grade, and grown in France.

Lavender, known for its beauty and sweet floral fragrance, has a history dating back over 2500 years and is believed to have originated in the Mediterranean, Middle East and India. The Romans used lavender as a perfume and to scent their baths. Its name is derived from the Latin ‘lavare’ meaning “to wash”. Lavandula may be of possible use as a disinfectant, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and for aromatherapy. Lavender oils may also be useful as a sleep aid, for relaxation, and for relieving indigestion or heartburn. More scientific study and research is needed to verify any claims regarding the effects of lavender.

Lavender has been used for centuries in the preparation of food. Including salads, soups, meat and seafood, desserts, cheeses, baked goods and confectionery.

Botanical Name: Lavandula
Plant Family: Lamiaceae
Also Called: Camphor, Common Lavender, English Lavender, Garden lavender, Pink Lavender, True Lavender, White Lavender.


The lavender bush has thin, square stems and grows approximately 2 feet high by 1 1/2 feet wide. It will produce vibrant purple flowers all summer. In summer, lavender’s narrow, 2-inch, oblong-shaped leaves grow to be a mix of greens and grays with small amounts of purple. In the fall and winter, leaves develop a silver tint mixed with green or grays and gold. Both the flower and leaf of lavender produce a strong, pleasant scent.


Lavender grows in the rocky soil of grassy, hilly meadows and does well in poor, sandy soils. Lavender is even tolerant of high maritime winds, but it will not tolerate excessively wet soil.


Lavender Tea

Lavender flowers make a flavorful tea. It is not hard to make it too strong, so it is best to start out using small amounts. Lavender flowers are also very commonly used in herbal tea mixtures and will help cover up poorer-tasting herbs.

Try starting out with a 1/2 gram of lavender per 16 oz of water. Boil the flowers in the water for at least 5 minutes, then allow it to cool and strain out the remaining material. If you would like a stronger or weaker tea, you can increase or decrease the amount of flowers used and the amount of time it is boiled in small increments.

Smoking Lavender

Lavender makes for a smooth, well-flavored smoke, but it can be very strong and is best used for herbal blends. Like jasmine, it is a rare herb that keeps its scent and flavor when burned and is also useful to help smooth out poor-tasting smoking blends.


It would be surprising not to find lavender in the cabinets of anyone who enjoys Smudge. Fantastic for aromatherapy.

Herbal Supplement

Lavender is used in skin care products, aromatherapy and herbal medicines.

This material is meticulously processed and cleaned by hand. Please take a look at our Hand Processing Herbs page for more information.

Additional information

Weight 1.2 oz
Dimensions 6 × 6 × 2 in

.25 oz, .5 oz, 1 oz, 2 oz, 3 oz, 4 oz


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